How to Make a Resume and Cover Letter

What is a resume? 

A document that provides a summary of your experiences and skills for a specific job. 

Clients will have to create a slightly different resume for every job application. 

Do not include any personal information, as it is not necessary to include in the document (e.g. race, sex, age, religion, etc.).  

Link to an example of a resume

What is a cover letter? 

A document that goes along with a client’s resume. 

A cover letter is used since it peaks a employer’s interest in a client’s resume/job application. 

Clients will have to give their reasons why they qualify for the job and it gives them the opportunity to make a good first impression to the employer. 

How to format resume and cover letter 

  • Resume 

    • Easy-to-read font styles (e.g. Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Times New Roman) 

    • 1-inch margin 

    • 1-2 page limit  

  • Cover Letter 

    • Easy-to-read font styles (e.g. Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Times New Roman)  

    • 1-inch margin 

    • 1 page limit 

    • Business letter format 

After writing a resume and cover letter, be sure to spell check before having someone read it for any feedback. 

How to make a good resume  

Here are the following information to include in creating a resume: Contact information, Objective, Qualifications, Education, Experience, Skills, and References

Link to an example of a resume outline

  1. Contact information: At the top center of the resume, include

    • First and last name 

    • Street address 

    • City, State and zip code 

    • Phone number 

    • Email address 

  2. Objective: Clients should write what kind of job they want to apply for OR type of work they enjoy. Below is an example on what to write as an objective. 

    • “Objective: To find an entry-level job as a health educator” 

  3. Qualifications/Requirements: Clients should write bullet points on what they qualify for the job. More specifically, list the same qualifications the job/employer is looking for (but make sure client meets those qualifications before entering that information). Below is an example on what to write for qualifications of a job. 

    • “Qualification Profile: Energetic and creative health educator/strong computer skills/ have strong connections in the native Hawaiian community in Waianae” 

  4. Education: Clients should write their most recent education level (college or high school). Clients should include: 

    • Degree and major (if attended and graduated college) 

    • School name and year graduated 

    • Grade point average (optional) 

    • Relatable coursework (if attended and graduated college) 

  5. Experience: Clients should write any previous work experiences (internships and volunteering can be included), that includes: 

    • Company name 

    • Job name 

    • How long they spent for that experience: Month year to month year 

    • Describing what they did for that job 

    • Describe skills in the previous job that can relate to the new job 

  6. Skills: Clients should write what they are good at for the job, which can include: 

    • Computer skills 

    • Technical skills (designing, organizing, writing, etc.) 

    • Language skills 

  7. References: Clients should write “References are available upon request.” If job position requires references, clients should ask and include contact information of their references on a new page.