HCAP Employment Core Services

HCAP Employment Core Services

Kalihi-Palama District Service Center: (808) 847-0804

Email: shanicet@hcapweb.org

Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:45am-4:30pm 

What is this? 

Honolulu Community Action Program (HCAP) Kalihi-Palama District Service Center provides various resources for low to middle-income individuals that are looking for employment opportunities, job training/placement, education, and financial literacy.  

Who qualifies? 

In general, those who are in low-income households and are in need of a job.  

What to bring 

  • Basic contact information 

    • Name, phone number, email 

  • Photo ID 

  • If employed, proof of income 

    • Paystubs for 1 month 

Referral Process (for KKV staff) 

  • Download HCAP’s referral form from the Hui Hoaka EA Digital Resource Binder under “Job Assistance & Training” and “HCAP Job Assistance” folder. 

  • Fill out the form based on staff and client information. 

  • Email referral form to shanicet@hcapweb.org and cc acet@hcapweb.org  

  • Inform client to call Kalihi-Palama District Service Center to schedule appointment within the 2-month time period to keep an “active” case file with HCAP. 

Application process 

  • Call HCAP Kalihi-Palama District Service Center to schedule appointment. Walk-ins not available as the District Service Center are currently short-staffed. 

  • Go to appointment to conduct an intake assessment 

    • Make sure client brings photo ID and 1 month paystubs  

  • After intake assessment is done, make sure to do follow-up appointments to receive job assistance based on the client’s needs.