DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks

DA BUX Program

Phone number: 808-437-3044

Email: dabux@hawaiifoodbasket.org

What is DA BUX? 

Program will end on August 31st, 2025. A state program that provides 50% off of qualified food purchases to clients with a SNAP-EBT card (only one discount per day per SNAP card). Clients will given a DA BUX access card after signing up. Below are examples of select participating stores that provide DA BUX program benefits: 

  • Roots Cafe 

  • Times Supermarket 

  • Select Foodland stores 

  • Waianae store 

  • Nanakuli Super 

More information on other places that provide DA BUX benefits will be provided here: https://dabux.org/find-a-retailer (enter zip code to find participating places in close proximity to client). 

Who qualifies? 

  • Clients with a SNAP-EBT card 

What to bring 

  • SNAP-EBT card 

  • Picture ID 

Application process 

  • Go to the nearest center that offers DA BUX access card (Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center) OR apply online by going to https://dabux.org/accesscard and click “Option 2: Sign Up Online”.  

  • Either bring SNAP card in person OR provide SNAP card information online 

  • If client has applied in person, expect to receive DA BUX access card right away. If applied online, receive access card by mail around two weeks. 

  • Make sure to use DA BUX access card to any participating stores as there is only one discount allowed per day per SNAP card. 

    • First, shop for qualified fruits and vegetables that has the DA BUX logo next to it. 

    • Next, give DA BUX access card and SNAP card to cashier. 

    • Then, pay with SNAP card.  

DA BUX links