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KKV distributed connected tablets and training to a small cohort of 20 seniors in October and began holding exercise sessions through Zoom.

The plan is to expand the exercise class with more tablets over the next few months. If you would like to support our program by purchasing an iPad for a senior, you can do so through our AMAZON WISH LIST HERE.

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Our popular exercise program for seniors is going virtual and it means a lot to those who are isolated at home

Below is a story related by the Elder Care Director Merlita Compton:

One of our clients “Mrs. J” is 79-years-old living in a rented room in a single home in Kalihi Valley. Prior to the stay-at-home order in March, she worked as parking attendant at the airport. Her husband does not work due to heart problem.

Mrs. J told us, “Thank you, thank you! From the bottom of my heart, we want to express our gratitude for the help and support we received from KKV. My worked stopped! Everyone is stressed out about all kinds of problem during this pandemic time. But when KKV EC staff called to checked on us, talked story, reminded us about wearing a mask, handwashing and distancing as well as doing safe exercises, rest and eating healthy, I felt happy and relieved.”

“[Because of KKV], I felt like there is a bright light shined on me. The delicious hot meals, fresh vegetables, ensure, depends, dry goods, basic household supplies and other services really helped us. And now, the tele-exercise is such new thing, but it is enjoyable. It is nice to see fellow elders and the staff even though not in person like before. Without your support we would not have food to eat and probably living on the street. Now we are safe and able to sleep at night knowing we have support and someone to check on us from KKV. This is really truly a big blessing. Many blessings for KKV and the staff. MAHALO”