Child Care Connection Hawaii


Child Care Connection Hawaii (CCCH) Program Summary:

A state subsidy program that helps low-income families pay for childcare support.  


Child Care Connection Hawaii

Phone number: (808) 791-2130


Hours: 7:45am-4:30pm

Link to application form


Who Qualifies? 

  • Children under age 13 years old/between 13-18 years old if child cannot do self-care and resides with parents/guardians 

  • Parents/Guardians/Caretakers must be employed/in school/ participating in job training programs (Applies to all parents in a household to participate in one of the following activities) 

  • Gross Monthly Income must not exceed 85% of State Median Income for family size 

  • Evaluation for eligibility continuation every 12 months for continued eligibility 

Documentation (provide copies) 

  • For parents:  

    • employment verification OR school registration (to show proof of credits/hours enrolled/job training enrollment 

    • Court decrees/custody agreements/legal guardianship 

    • Income verification (W-2 form, pay stubs, self-employment documents) 

  • For children:  

    • Birth Certificate  

    • U.S. passport/Certificate of Naturalization/Certificate of Citizenship/Green Card  

Application Process 

Application for childcare support is accepted statewide and year-round. Either complete the application online or contact the nearest CCCH office (Honolulu) to request a physical form.  

  • Complete application online or mail paper form 

  • If online: go to 

  • If paper form: complete and submit application along with providing required supporting documents to nearest CCCH office by physical drop-off, mailing it to the nearest CCCH office, OR email it to  

  • If family is eligible, they will receive more forms and will be contacted to schedule an intake interview through phone or office visit 

  • Intake interview will take 1-2 hours to complete  

  • Pick a child care provider and sign the agreement form  

  • Parents choose either licensed care or licensed-exempt center-based care 

  • After the intake interview is complete, they will have 10 days to submit remaining documents or else application is terminated 

    • Clients may have the option to reapply 

  • Clients will have to wait for a response whether they are eligible for receiving the subsidies 

  • Subsidy amount will only be given ONLY through direct deposit 

Child Care Connection Hawaii Income Fact Sheet: