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 Section 8 Housing Information

HPHA Section 8 Housing

Phone number: (808) 832-6040 

Email: hphas8office@hawaii.gov

Hours: 7:45am-4:30pm


Section 8 is an assistance program for low-income families, elderly, and the disabled so they can afford safe and sanitary low-income apartments/homes.  

Section 8 vs. Public Housing 

Even though both programs are under Housing & Urban Development (HUD), Section 8 units are under private landlords that accept section 8 vouchers.  

Public housing is government-owned and operated. 

Who qualifies 

  • Meet current income limit (must not exceed 50% of median income for Honolulu) 

  • Provide Social Security Numbers (SSN) or certify no SSN for all family members  

  • Provide evidence of citizenship OR eligible immigrant status 

  • Application will be accepted from the following preferences (those who qualify one of the three preferences will be equally weighted with no higher priority over the other): 

    • Homeless 

    • Victims of domestic violence 

    • Elderly 

What is Portability? 

  • Portability: Allowing a voucher holder in one location to move to another rental unit of client’s choice 

  • If client has a current, valid Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, clients may use that voucher in any jurisdiction that accepts the client’s voucher. This is called portable. 

  • Project-based vouchers are not portable since they remain with the housing project. For example, Kuhio Park Towers Building A, all the residents are Project Based Vouchers of Section 8. 

  • Clients must contact current Section 8 voucher administration to begin process of transferring Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher to Hawaii 

Accessing the waiting list 

This process is just to get in the waiting list for either Section 8 OR public housing. 

Wait time to get into either program will range from 2-7 years.   

Clients should also keep in mind that the waiting list will not guarantee their family housing as it will take time to process other clientele’s information. 

  • For both Section 8 and public housing application, they must go to https://hpha.myhousing.com/?abandon=False and check if there is an opening for the waiting list 

  • Apply for the waiting list 

  • To confirm that they are on the waiting list, clients will have to create an account through https://hpha.myhousing.com/Account/Login to access that information. Remember, only head of household can create the account 

  • Make sure client has contact information, address information, and household members information up to date 

  • If the client needs to update their information, they will need to log in to their HPHA account. Go to the upper right-hand corner and look for “Update Your Application” 

  • Once you login and click the “update your application” tab, you will then click and all the information that the client input on their application:  

    • Review Head of Household information 

    • Review data for family members living with client 

    • Review client’s current address 

    • Enter income from all family members 

    • Check box at the bottom of the screen to verify all information  

How to create a new account for HPHA 

  • Complete the registration process 

    • Enter first initial, last name, date of birth, and SSN 

    • Enter email address 

    • Create a username, password, and preferred language (write down username and password for reference) 

    • Once registration is complete, log in to get started 

Next Steps 

  • HPHA will reach out to those in the waiting list once units are available. The HPHA will contact the client through either email or mail. It is extremely important for the client to constantly check their emails or mail to ensure that they receive the communication from the HPHA office. 

  • One major difference between the Section 8 and public housing waitlist is that Section 8 will have three preferences in their wait list: homeless, victims of domestic violence, and/or elderly. 

  • Clients that do not have one of those preferences, they will not move on to the next process 

    • Clients that do not respond to the email or mail will not be able to get it regardless of reason they did not respond. For example, HPHA sends out a letter to Jack requesting that he responds in two business days. If Jack does not respond within two business days they will move on to the next person in the wait list 

    • Once a client responds, they will move on with the process; bringing the necessary documents for the application 

      • Birth certificate 

      • I.D. 

      • SSN 

      • Income verification 

      • Other documents HPHA will request